Poem Road

Friday, June 23, 2006


Thank you for your comments and emails. I've received the first photos for submission in the first Poem Road video. Thanks, Liz!

If you'd like to send photos of poems and locations for inclusion in the first video, please email them to me at blogfever at yahoo.com. (For details, see the original post below.) There doesn't have to be just one Poem Road video--this can be an ongoing project with periodic videos. Some of you have expressed an interest in doing your own videos, which is great! If you do, I hope you'll leave a comment on this site with the permalink so we can all check them out.

I'll leave the deadline for the first video flexible--it will depend on how many submissions there are. But shall we tentatively say Friday, June 30th, for the first one? Let's see what we have by then...and we'll play it by ear...

I really look forward to seeing what you want to share as part of this project. Thanks.

As for the image here, I've been in a clothesline sort of mood. I like to think of this Poem Road project as sort of a video clothesline.


  • At 7:36 AM, Blogger Laura said…

    Great image!

  • At 7:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I have to share the story of our own sidewalk poetry. The city was re-doing the cement on the sidewalk in front of our house--we inscribed a poem in the wet cement--after the workers left. The next day, a worker came knocking on our door--said he was going to remove the words in the cement--and if any more words appeared--we would have to pay $300 for the removal of them. We argued--to no avail. So he filled in the poem--but then a few weeks later a neighbor came over and suggested he bring his sandblaster and sandblast the area--he figured the cement used to fill in the poem would sandblast out. He was right--so we have a poem (words to a folk song, really) by Malvian Reynolds in front of our house--and many people just passing by pause to read the poem in the sidewalk. What if we had a law that evey newly cemented sidewalk had to have poetry in it?


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